Mohammadreza Samadi

M.Sc. Student | Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta


My name is Mohammadreza, and I am an M.Sc. student at the Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta, advised by Davood Rafiei. I am highly interested in natural language processing and information retrieval, and currently, I am working on query performance prediction in multi-hop QA. Before starting my M.Sc. studies, I did my Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering at Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic) where I worked on implementing a fake news detection system as a fact-checker for Persian news under the supervision of Saeede Momtazi.

For further information, please see the latest version of my CV.

Selected Publications

  1. Deep contextualized text representation and learning for fake news detection
    Mohammadreza Samadi, Maryam Mousavian, and Saeedeh Momtazi
    Information Processing & Management, 2021